1st Day of School
Do you remember the excitement of the first day of school and picking out just the right outfit. I grew up in a small down in northern Ohio and even though it was still warm the 1st day of school it would not be long before the cool brisk air would be coming through the area so many of my new clothes were sweaters. I remember having to wear a new sweater on the first day knowing that I would be so hot by the end of the day but that did not matter showing off my new clothes was what was important. I probably would not of been so excited to wear a new sweater if my mom would of let me wear something new before the first day of school but NO, I had to wait until school started. I am trying to remember if I was even allowed to carry my new purse before the 1st day. I cannot blame her because the one time she did let me wear my new shirt my friend; Dominic, took me for a ride on his motorcycle and he hit a jump and we landed in the lake. You guessed it my new baby blue shirt was not so new anymore.What made me take this trip down memory lane this afternoon is I was thinking of my grandson who started 6th grade today. Last night when he was already in bed he yells “Nana” and I go to his room sure that he trying to give me a reason why he has to get up. My heart went out to him when in desperation he said “Nana, my shoes won’t match my outfit.” He has selected a pair of Tony Hawk high top tennis shoes that are bright yellow and black for school and was in a panic that they would not match. I assured him that those shoes were not going to match with many of his outfits but that was okay because they looked really cool and many times shoes do not match the outfit. He seemed relieved and went off to sleep.
It is a shame that as we get older we forget to get excited about the simple things in life like what to wear the first day of school. Think about it do you have a memory from your 1st day of school? If so, please share.
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