Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Process of Selling Your House

Yesterday I worked on some information that I plan to share with a few individuals who have chosen to take on the task of selling their own home. I feel for these people because they do not know the tremendous task that they are looking at. There are a lot of moving parts that go into selling your property.
I want to share with you some of the steps that go into the process.

1) Assess and evaluate your needs
2) Decide to sell
3) Select me to market your home or opt to do it on your own (not recommended)
4) Determine list price
5) Set up a proactive marketing plan
6) Prepare the property "for sale"
7) Show the property to potential buyers
8) Get feedback from showings
9) Receive and offer
10) Negotiate offer
11) Accept offer
12) Sign contracts
13) Take house off market

That is just the beginning there still is the closing process which involves a lot of moving parts on behalf of the buyer and seller. The buyer needs to apply for their loan and from their the lender will run a credit report, will verify employment, gather documents to verify debt and income. The lender will order an appraisal which will determine if the house is worth the contract price. The appraisal will either come back as a go, with conditions (such as repairs), or the appraisal will come in below contract price. Providing everything at this point is a go then the buyer will then get a loan approval and a written mortgage commitment. In addition to the loan process a home inspection and termite inspection is done. If any necessary repairs are found the buyer will request the seller to complete the necessary repairs. If termites are found or termite damage the seller will also need to have that corrected prior to closing. While all this is going an the attorney of the buyer's choice is preparing necessary research and documents needed for closing.

Once all this is completed the buyer will do a final walk-thru ensuring the house is in the same condition or better condition then when they purchased the home and all aspects of the contract have been meant. Then the seller and buyer meet at the attorney's office to sign documents. Once the loan is recorded and funded then the attorney will issue any proceed checks.

This is just some of the things that go into selling your house; so before you sell talk to me and let me share some insight with you and then you can determine if you want to go it alone.

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